Help! I need to select my favourite photos

Congrats! You finished the photoshoot and received the preselection. Now comes the difficult part: you will have to make a selection of the pictures you want to receive in your final gallery. This step in the proces can be quite overwhelming, as you’ll have to decide how much you like each of the hundred pictures you see in front of you. I’ll give you a couple of tips that will guide you through the proces!

  1. Set Clear Criteria: Determine what you want to use the photos for. Are you planning to make a printed album, share the photos on social media, or print for framing? Having a clear purpose will help you decide how important all other criteria’s are.

  2. First Impressions: Begin by doing a quick initial sweep of all the photos. Trust your gut feeling and select images that catch your eye straight away. These are likely to be the most appealing and emotionally resonant shots.

  3. Prioritize Candid Moments: Candid shots often capture the most genuine and heartwarming moments. Look for photos where family members are engaged in meaningful interactions, sharing laughter, or showing affection.

  4. Check for Technical Quality: It’s not as simple as deciding them in sharp and unsharp photos. Some photos have one important detail sharp and the rest blurry. Sometimes a photos is (partly) unsharp for a reason, like hair that’s blown in the wind. That’s not wrong or bad, but it can create an interesting moment. Avoid photos that accentuate the wrong parts or where you don’t like the facial expressions. Don’t pay too much attention on the lighting, cropping or colours: this will all be fixed during the editing process.

  5. Diversity: Aim for variety in your selection. Include a mix of close-ups, group shots, individual portraits, and different angles. This diversity adds depth and visual interest to your collection, whatever you end up using the photos for.

  6. Group Consensus: If the selection is for a family album, involve the other family members in the decision-making process. Often people like or dislike different aspects of their photos than others would pay attention to.

  7. Eliminate Duplicates: If you have several shots of the same moment, pick the best one and eliminate duplicates. This will streamline your collection and prevent redundancy.

Remember that the best family photos are those that evoke memories, emotions, and a sense of togetherness. Be thoughtful and selective in your choices, and your collection will reflect the beauty and uniqueness of your family's journey.


6 prompts for natural family photos