6 prompts for natural family photos

What we want to achieve is getting genuine, candid moments, so we capture the true essence of your family. However, not everyone feels comfortable in front of a camera. Especially for kids it can be challenging to feel and look relaxed, when there’s a camera pointed at you. To help creating these authentic moments, I have a few tips share:

  1. "Three Things I Love About You": Tell you family members what you love about them. This could be what you love about the family as a group, but you can also point to each member individually.

  2. Stroll and Chat: You can all take a walk together, chatting and sharing stories as you go. Without paying attention to the camera, this can give a very natural image.

  3. "Tell Me About Your Day": Here, every family members has to share their favorite part of the day or something interesting that happened. This can lead to lively conversations and animated expressions, especially if it’s a funny story.

  4. "What Makes Me Proud": Sit down with one family member, a parent with a kid or as partners for example. Sit close together and share something you're proud of from the other person, whether it's an achievement, a quality, or a personal goal. This will evoke genuine smiles from both sides.

  5. Parent-Child Connection: As parents you know best what makes your child smile. This could be a favourite song, a silly story or a staring contest. Interact with you children, whether it's playing, comforting, or sharing a loving moment.

  6. Share a Secret: Ask a family members to whisper a secret in your ear. Even a little secret can lead to sweet, secretive smiles and shared laughter.

Lastly, it’s important to remember that a photoshoot should be a fun experience for every family member. The photos have to remind you a a great afternoon with each other, and not that day ‘where mom and dad told you to sit still and smile’. If everyone is free to be himself, the photos will always turn out great!


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